GDPR after Brexit – everything you need to know

GDPR after Brexit

Just when you thought the endless rounds of Brexit negotiations were finally drawing to a close and it was safe to tune into the news again, another problem has reared its head. What will happen to GDPR after Brexit? And will UK companies still be able to exchange data within the EU? 

To provide some clarity amongst the confusion, we’ve tried to answer both. So, join us on a whistlestop tour of all things Brexit and GDPR. 

Will GDPR apply in the UK after Brexit? 

Strap yourselves in, this one’s going to take some explaining. While GDPR will no longer apply ‘directly’ once the transition period ends on 31st December 2020, that doesn’t mean UK organisations no longer need to comply with it. 

This is because the Data Protection Act 2018 enshrines GDPR’s requirements in law. On top of the existing legislation, the UK government has issued a statutory instrument catchily titled ‘The Data Protection, Privacy and Electronic Communications (Amendments etc) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019’. In simple terms, this amends the original law and merges it with the requirements of GDPR. The outcome will be a new data protection framework known as the ‘UK GDPR’. 

Still with us? The good news is that there’s virtually no difference between the UK version of GDPR and the current EU regime. So, for the meantime at least, you should continue to comply with the requirements of the EU GDPR. 

So why all the dramatic headlines about GDPR after Brexit? 

If there’s little material difference between the current GDPR and the proposed UK version, why are we seeing headlines about the switch costing UK firms £1.6bn in compliance fees?

Well, the problem lies in how the UK’s status is defined by the EU. Once the UK leaves the EU, as a non-member state it will be reclassified as a ‘third country’. And this has big ramifications for the transfer of personal data between countries. 

Under GDPR (the EU version), transferring personal data from the European Economic Area (EAA) to third countries is only permitted in one of three circumstances.

The three options

  1. If the European Commission (EC) has issued an adequacy decision. In other words, the EC has decided the third country has adequate data protection measures in place for EU countries to work with it.
  2. If safeguards such as binding corporate rules (BCRs) or standard contractual clauses (SCCs) are in place between organisations exchanging data. These are essentially commitments to comply with GDPR at the level of an individual company.
  3. If an approved ‘code of conduct’ is in place between the EEA and the third country. 

At the moment, no code of conduct has been agreed between the EEA and the UK. What’s more, the EC is yet to issue an adequacy decision.

This has led commentators, such as the New Economics Foundation (NEF) and UCL’s European Institute research hub, to suggest that in the event of a no-deal Brexit, UK businesses would have to undertake option two from the three circumstances listed above. 

The problem with this is that it could prove very costly. In fact, NEF estimates setting up extra compliance measures like SCCs could cost on average £3,000 for a micro-business, £10,000 for a small business and £19,555 for a medium-sized firm. For large firms, the figure could be as high as £162,790, with a cost of £1.6bn to the UK economy as a whole. 

How likely is this to happen?

While the last section might be a little scary, it’s important to stress that it is the worst-case scenario. The UK government has stated several times that it’s committed to securing an adequacy agreement with the EC. So it’s not beyond the realms of possibility that all this will be academic and we’ll see a relatively smooth transition process.

However, there are some doubts about the likelihood of the UK being granted adequacy status. And there are a couple of compelling reasons for this. First, the EU has long opposed some of the practices of the UK security services. This has led to several protracted court battles and a few defeats for British legislators. It’s felt that unless the UK is willing to change it’s surveillance practices – something it’s repeatedly refused to do – then this is likely to provide a blocker to the UK being granted adequacy status. 

Second, the UK government has committed to ‘liberalizing’ data laws as it leaves the EU. Its argument for doing this is that data is currently ‘inappropriately constrained’ by EU laws. The problem is that this is likely to render the UK’s data protection measures inadequate in the eyes of the EU. Again, leading to a scenario in which the UK becomes considered a third country without adequacy status. 

What should SMEs do? 

At this point, it’s natural to wonder what your business can do to ensure you’re ready for the transition. After all, with all the decisions being made at an international level, what can a single SME do but wait?

We don’t yet know the outcome of negotiations on the UK’s adequacy status. So planning for extra compliance measures like SSCs is a challenge. Nevertheless, as we mentioned earlier, it’s well worthwhile ensuring your business is compliant under the current GDPR regime. At the very least, this should help you stay on the right side of the new UK GDPR standard once it’s released.

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Is GDPR going stateside?

GDPR going stateside

The introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation – a.k.a. GDPR – was introduced in 2018. This new framework standardised and updated data protection law across the European market and most importantly gave consumers more say over how their data is handled, stored and shared.

However, considering how quickly data collection and analysis technologies are developing, this legislation wasn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Subsequently, there are a few grey areas that left many organisations feeling confused – which is risky, considering the size of the potential fines.

Now, it seems that similar legislation with its own unique nuances will appear in the United States, adding a whole new layer of data privacy legislation for companies to navigate. Here, we discuss what American data privacy law is likely to bring going into 2020.

GDPR USA – What to expect

Although data privacy is a global issue, every region is developing its own distinct regulations. Although it’s likely there will be similarities between GDPR and American data privacy legislation, currently, there are no plans for a comprehensive, nation-wide GDPR USA. Instead – much to the dismay of many international companies – every state is drawing up its own plan. Currently, the two major ones businesses need to be aware of are California’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the SHIELD Act.


California’s Consumer Privacy Act, or CCPA, came into force as of 1 January 2020. The legislation has similarities with GDPR, however, there are important differences. For instance, under GDPR users must opt-in to third-party data sharing whereas, under CCPA, they need to opt-out. This means companies will have to have customised terms and conditions forms for Californian users. That said, the good news is that CCPA isn’t as far-reaching as GDPR. If your company turnover is less than $25 million and you don’t handle the data of more than 50,000 then the rules don’t apply.


In July 2019 New York State passed the Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security Act (SHIELD), which will come into effect on 21 March 2020. Similarly to GDPR, this law is designed to standardise data privacy requirements. However, this is where it can get confusing; the wording of the legislation is suitably vague, with statements such as “data security should be appropriate for the size and complexity of the small business, the nature and scope of the small business’s activities, and the sensitivity of the personal information the small business collects from or about consumers.” To add to the bill’s cryptic nature, if companies are already in compliance with historic data protection laws like HIPAA and the GLBA, they may already be compliant.

Get globally data compliant

Legislation like GDPR has global implications. With so many different laws emerging all over the world, it’s critically important that companies with international operations seek advice on data compliance and certification. Just look at some of the fines that have been dished out under GDPR – and legislation like CCPA empowers American states to enforce even heftier fines. Cyber Smart are the experts in cybersecurity compliance, and with IASME’s GDPR Readiness certification we can help your business ensure full GDPR compliance and the proper processes and policies are in place. Wherever your business operates, contact us to ensure you’re fully compliant.

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Cyber Essentials: A BIG step in the journey towards GDPR compliance

GDPR compliance

GDPR compliance became a legal requirement in May 2018 and was put in place to bring transparency and homogenise data privacy laws for citizens in the European Union. The regulation holds organisations responsible for data breaches and imposes heavy fines on them if they are found guilty of poor security measures. The UK Data Privacy Act of 2018 makes GDPR a legal requirement for all businesses.

This higher degree of accountability means organisations need to take action and strengthen their security and protection for personal data. Cyber Essentials is a simple, government-backed scheme that will help businesses, whatever their size, to protect their data against a whole range of the most common cyber attacks.

In this article, we explain how Cyber Essentials can help you on your path towards full GDPR compliance.  

Why would achieving Cyber Essentials help?

Cyber Essentials, a UK government-backed scheme administered through the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC). The scheme provides five basic controls to help organisations protect themselves against common cyber attacks. The NCSC claims Cyber Essentials can help eliminate the risk of 80% of cyber attacks.

The aim of Cyber Essentials is to provide a baseline standard for businesses to safeguard sensitive data, which aligns to the primary concerns addressed by both the European Union regulations and the UK law. The regulation of GDPR in the UK and the notification of all data breaches is delivered via the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The technical controls of Cyber Essentials help you demonstrate to the ICO that you are on the right path towards GDPR compliance.

It is important to note that Cyber Essentials does not ensure total compliance with GDPR, as GDPR is a comprehensive regulation that requires businesses to safeguard personal data. All organisations that handle personal information of EU citizens must comply with the GDPR. Achieving a Cyber Essentials certification is a big initial step towards GDPR compliance. However, businesses still need to take further action after this. See our blog post on GDPR certification.

How can CyberSmart help?

CyberSmart is an automated compliance service that helps organisations become compliant with standards such as Cyber Essentials and GDPR. We provide ongoing compliance, helping businesses protect themselves against emerging cyber threats.

As a certified provider, CyberSmart guides and assists organisations in achieving various standards of compliance. We recognise flaws in your existing security policies and recommend best practices.

Our well-tested process ensures you meet the security requirements of these standards. We take away the stress of understanding and evaluating the requirements of each standard from you.


Cyber Essentials is a great first step towards GDPR compliance. However, it is just one step of the journey. Organisations need to adopt a cybersecurity solution that can scale and adapt according to their growing needs.

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