Cyber security policies 101 – information security policy

Information security policy

Cybersecurity and data protection can seem overwhelming. There’s a glut of advice on the internet, but it’s difficult to know where to start. At CyberSmart, we believe cybersecurity should be accessible and easy for everyone. So we’ve compiled a series of useful policies and procedures to help you find your way through the cyber-compliance jungle. This time, we’re looking at how to set up an information security policy.


Cybersecurity and data protection can seem overwhelming. There’s a glut of advice on the internet, but it’s difficult to know where to start. At CyberSmart, we believe cybersecurity should be accessible and easy for everyone. So we’ve compiled a series of useful policies and procedures to help you find your way through the cyber-compliance jungle. This time, we’re looking at how to set up an information security policy.
