2017: What a year!

As CyberSmart turns 1 year old, we are taking a moment to pause and reflect. This year was huge for us, individually and as a team. We had a vague idea, built a platform, got our first paying customers and closed a Pre-Seed round. At CyberSmart we believe in transparency, not only in regards to data, but also transparency in everything we do, transparency towards our stakeholders and eco-system. Hence, without further ado – here is what happened in 2017 at the CyberSmart HQ in East London.


As CyberSmart turns 1 year old, we are taking a moment to pause and reflect. This year was huge for us, individually and as a team. We had a vague idea, built a platform, got our first paying customers and closed a Pre-Seed round. At CyberSmart we believe in transparency, not only in regards to data, but also transparency in everything we do, transparency towards our stakeholders and eco-system. Hence, without further ado – here is what happened in 2017 at the CyberSmart HQ in East London.
